Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Sleep Better and Yoga Musings

1. Don't get into bed thinking about things that are going to make you want to jump around and giggle.

2. Don't stay up until the wee hours of morning making cashew milk (recipe here.)

Towards the end of yoga today I got in a really weird funk that consisted of a bad mood I could sense was unrelated to anything going on in my life (for a summary of my life, see #1 above.) I thought it might have to do with the moodiness that comes with eating raw food again, even though I had rice for lunch. Then I thought it might be some weird detox from all the twists we did in yoga. Also I thought my body may be sensing that I am more into Pilates than Yoga and perhaps this is my last yoga class? Which didn't seem true but I was trying to figure out why I felt so uncomfortable, melancholy, and.. nostalgic? Little kid like?

Anyway I got done and came out and saw Meagan and we had a nice chat and I decided that I probably needed some cooked food to balance out my mood. Well, later I found out (by one part inference, one part intuition) what was causing my bad mood and it was pretty wild. Anyway, once it was done I felt fine getting a living platter at Source because my mood was raw-food-unrelated! 

12:14 AM - do you know what that means? Time to make cashew milk :) 

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