Friday, June 15, 2012

The best kind of Friday

It's a sprint through the sprinklers kind of Friday.

In GGP, right as Lake of Silver Bells comes on, and I remember the dream I had last night,
about two encounters
(or was it two dreams, each about one encounter? the world may never know)
with someone I know used to know,
(who shares the name of a Colorado van driver)
in Asia.

So my iPod asks me,
"What have you learned?"

I think I know.
The dream was familiar but... different.
You are different.
I am the same?
No, I am very different. That's what I've learned.

What else?


People change, so is that the risk?
Trust is the risk.
Do I trust that you will change or that you will stay the same?
That depends on how much I change.
Oh hey - the more things stay the same, you know, the more they stay the same.


YOU are not the van driver.
I think?!

But just a little bit.
Unless I am wrong and you are not the van driver AT ALL.
Time will tell.

You're like a squirrel in the middle of the road - halfway there but don't know which way to go.
I am in the middle of the road with nowhere everywhere ANYWHERE to go!
The road is endless infinite beautiful.

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