Friday, July 13, 2012

Lazy Friday Musings of a Fellow San Franciscan

Today is probably the most pathetic excuse for a summer day since I moved here. Yeah mid July. According to the weather prediction, it is 61 (even though the high is 57), and I think I have to subtract at least 4 degrees to account for the freezing wind that constantly blows down my street, assaulting my non-insulated apartment.  Either way, for a former New Englander it is pathetic that I wore my long spandex bottoms and a fleece (!) lined spandex top when I went for my run. I brought that top exclusively for snow camping trips, and it is the second time I wore it running. If this was New Hampshire and 20 degrees colder, I would be reveling in the fact that it is sub freezing and be sporting shorts and a T-shirt for my run.

Despite the fact that all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and cuddle with a nalgene of boiled water (I REFUSE to turn on the heat in the middle of the day on July 13! I will not be defeated!), I actually had such a wonderful run bobbing along to Russian pop that I ventured past the Presidio St. underpass bridge for the first time since I moved here. That is, excluding any drunk runs I went on, possibly in the dark, when I got hopelessly lost and did not know when I was, but I don't remember those/they don't count.

If you have ever driven with me, you know the motivating power of really good Russian pop (and "good" in this sentence can only mean "bad.")

Now I am sitting in the lovely Velo Rouge Cafe on the corner that serves delicious chai, but that has a hopelessly horrible vibe if you are trying to get any real work done. Seeing as how it's Friday and I have probably had the most pathetic workweek, I decided that I can dedicate the rest of my afternoon to blogging instead of pretending that I am going to solve this fluid mechanics problem before my hair turns gray.

It's a good thing I wake up early, because I did not do one productive thing after lunch all week.
Monday: drove an hour to meet with my advisor in the morning, so clearly it's OK to relax and shop in the afternoon.
Tuesday: did mind numbing research database compilation all morning (that could have probably been automated if I was slightly more creative) and accepted the fact that if I made no further progress between 12 and 2, I should just give up for the day. This was followed by a pang of guilt when I returned from the climbing gym in the evening, and I diligently worked until I got the required task done and sent off for review.
Wednesday: had a wonderfully productive morning where I caught up with 3 friends on Gchat, applied for about 5 jobs, and even did something research related. After lunch, decided I needed to dedicate my time to getting ready for meeting Brynne at 6 PM. Brynne is my friend, so it's important to be well prepared.
Thursday: sick day, obviously did not do any work.
Today: I woke up at a whopping 5 AM and jumped right into a programming tutorial in my online course catalog. This was followed by an entire morning of fluid mechanics, but as I already mentioned, it is Friday, so it is best to relax after lunch in preparation for the weekend.
Besides, I might start a temp job very soon, and then I will be very busy going to the office for 40 hours a week on top of research, fluid mechanics, and online software courses, so no reason to exert myself until it becomes necessary.

I hope that was Bridget Jones-esque for you.

Now, even though it is freezing, I would not technically label what I am wearing as "clothes." I don't mean to offend anyone, but any skin tight , black, stretchy bottoms garment that precisely shows off the shape of your ass is STILL not considered pants. Good thing they are underarmour brand and at least offer some compression, so it is an improved idealized version of my ass you are seeing. Since showering after my run was clearly out of the question, I figured that I should keep my running attire on as a visible excuse and apology for the sweaty, greasy-haired chic look I have going. Of course, since I changed into flip flops, I probably just look moderately ridiculous - but if everybody else in here trying to do work is really just people watching like I suspect they are, I know they all saw me zoom by at the end of my run ten minutes earlier.

Let's talk about you. How was your latest run? How is the weather wherever you are influencing what you are doing for the day? 

Monday, July 2, 2012

What do YOUR recent Google searches say about you?

Check it out. I am athletic, I use public transport, my friend broke his toe, I can't spell "wilderness" nor do I know the meaning of "concurrently," and I am hopeless when it comes to MATLAB.

But seriously, MATLAB. Handles? Children? It's bad enough when I'm driving on the highway and see those Cloud billboards on which I don't understand a single word, yet I know they have nothing to do with those white condensed fluffy things that engulf San Francisco. Now I also have to work with an array of words whose elementary-school dictionary meaning is suddenly devoid of any tangible, comfortable connection.

I wonder if using words that *very* vaguely relate to their original meaning is better than making up a whole new language. In the second case, it would appear to an outsider that you were speaking another language, and in the first case, it would appear that you were just loopy.

What do YOU think?!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Five Years Time

Recovering from a wonderful Tahoe weekend: sunburned, starving despite having eaten everything non-raw that I own(ed), semi-permanent tree sap tattoo on my leg, room is in shambles, I am good as out of hair conditioner, incredibly behind on my research, and oh so happy. Ah, to be young.